
Are you ready for the Nexus?

PlayerNexus is going to be a powerful platform which gives you the ability to find gamers around the world!

Any game, any platform...

Not just your normal match making service, we do all the hard work for you.

We will match you with other gamers using AI, based on your interests, skill level and play style

Match & play with anyone around the world; meet new people

Match up with one person or a group for your platform and game

Once matched, you will have a message area and you can decide where to take it from there

Rate other players based on your interaction with them and gain a reputation on the Nexus

Showcase your skill, games you play, how many matches you've had and your reputation on the Nexus with your profile

Join the social hubs for each game or platform. Your one stop place for gaming!

Connect with us and follow the development

PlayerNexus is currently in development, stay connected and follow us for updates

The Nexus Roadmap

To make it clear, PlayerNexus is currently in development and we are progressing each week and this is our overall goal:

Minimum Viable Product!

As we are still in development, our goal is to get the Nexus to you as quickly as possible and to do that we need to stick to our minimum viable product release.

That MVP goal is to provide a platform which matches gamers around the world based on AI, using your location, skill level, age and interests etc. Provide a profile where users can showcase their reputation and honour as a player and the ratings they have received from the community.

Finally, provide a intuitive way of communicating with the gamers you match with, allowing you to openly decide where to go next.

Learn from the feedback

After the initial launch of the platform, obviously we won't get everything right, so the goal is to listen to the users and focus on what you want from this platform; change, update and improve on the suggestions and ideas you give us.You have the power to direct the platform!

Improve on the main features

Once we are sure we are heading in the right direction and the community is happy we have it right, we then want to shift focus on improving the initial launch features. The main ones being the match making AI, rating system (Which we are calling honour), messaging area, user profile and UI/ UX.

Being Social

We don't just want to provide a match making service based on AI, but we want to create a social hub for anything gaming. So after launch and when everything is more stable, we want to bring you a social hub where you can talk about anything gaming, a way to discuss tips or just hang out.

During Development

We are excited to be in development of this amazing platform we want to bring you and we hope to have release dates soon but for now we don’t want to promise something we can’t deliver. The aim currently, is to build a community while developing, so that when we launch the platform won’t already be dead.

In order to have an enjoyable launch we need to build a community, so we are asking you to help by sharing this page, following us on Twitter, Facebook and joining the Discord in order to spread the word.

Sign up for the Beta!

Sign up for beta access and claim your space now!

32,938+ people joined already!

Thank you, we will be in touch!

About Us

We are a small development team looking to build the next big gaming platform which focuses on bringing gamers around the world together and creating meaningful relationships, allowing you to meet new people and make friends online.

This idea came about because we thought, we have Tinder for dating but why not “Tinder” for game match making? – We found from research that a lot of people loved this idea and said it would be very useful. For example, we found loads of people liked this idea because not everyone has friends which play the same games or any at all, so people are always looking for a way to meet gamers online, so why not create a platform which does just that.

If you want to follow this project, please signup using your email, follow us on Twitter and Facebook and join the Discord server for all the important news and updates!